Need drainage or waterproofing done?
Call 415-457-5658 for a prompt, reliable estimate from our experienced estimator. RWR has been doing waterproofing and fixing drainage problems to create dry crawl spaces and dry foundations in San Francisco for over 24 years. You will see our trucks and equipment working in San Francisco neighborhoods like the Marina, Pacific Heights, Nob Hill, Western Addition, Haight, Castro, Noe Valley, Twin Peaks and so on.
Here’s the kind of detailed estimate you can rely on, to correct foundation problems and perform structural work, including even zero lot line jobs that require our expertise:
This estimate is being made for piers, rebar and concrete. The bid is based on plans provided. The bid is for drilling and installation of concrete reinforced piers only. The price includes labor and materials to complete the job as per the itemized scope of work listed below.
Scope of Work
Mobilize to jobsite
Layout to be provided by general contractor
• Drill for twenty five (25) 18” diameter piers. Maximum depth of 8 feet deep per plans and specifications S1.1 and S2.4.
• Install twenty five (25) 18” concrete reinforced piers a maximum of 8 ft deep. Include transfer bars, rebar and concrete. Final depths to be determined by soils engineer. Additional price per ft is $65.00.
• All Spoils to remain on site.
Note. See hard rock drilling exclusion.
• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, inspections and testing.
• Layout
• Any work on utilities including buried pipes.
• Any Excavation
• Increased cost of drilling or excavation due to hard rock, underground water or caving soils. (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1 ft. in 5 minutes.) (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that cannot be excavated with a conventional backhoe or excavator bucket.)
• Excavation of hazardous materials, underground tanks, or materials unacceptable at dumps.
• Damage or replacement of landscaping.
• No off haul of spoils
• No Drainage