Need underpinning to permanently stabilize home or level floors in Berkeley? Call 415-457-5658 for a prompt, reliable estimate from our experienced estimator. RWR has been installing underpinning in Berkeley for over 24 years. You will see our trucks and equipment working in Berkeley, Berkeley Hills, and Kensington.

Here’s the kind of detailed estimate you can rely on, to correct foundation problems and perform structural work, including even zero lot line jobs that require our expertise:

This estimate is based on plans. The bid is for the installation of drilled cast-in-place reinforced concrete piers to underpin the existing foundation of the house as well as the installation of a new site retaining wall as per plans. Our price includes all labor and material to complete the job as per the itemized Scope of Work below.

Scope of Work
House Underpinning (Revised)
• Mobilize to site.
• Drill and install (5) 18” diameter x 12 ft. deep reinforced concrete piers along the rear side of house as per plans. Stockpile all generated spoils on site for re-compaction behind the new site wall. No off-haul is included.
• Excavate for and install (5) 1.5 ft. wide x 2.5 ft. long x 1.5 ft. deep reinforced concrete pier haunches under existing foundation that are connected to the piers via pier cap extension of new piers as shown on detail 1 of sheet SK-2.
• Includes the installation of the new 10” wide x 18” tall reinforced concrete grade beam attached to existing house foundation via epoxy dowels at 12” on center as per plans.
• Clean up site and remove silt fence and construction debris.

Pier Supported 4 Ft. Retaining Wall
• Includes grubbing and clearing of existing shrubs and ivy (as necessary for the installation of the new wall), demolition of existing failing wooden wall and removal of debris from site.
• Excavate for the installation of the new concrete wall and piers as per plans. Stockpile native soil for re-compaction operations as needed. Stockpile spoils on site.
• Drill and install (9) 18” diameter x 12 ft. deep reinforced concrete piers for the new retaining wall. Stockpile all generated spoils on site for re-compaction behind the new site wall. No off-haul is included.
• Install a new 56 ft. long reinforced concrete grade beam & 4.5 ft. high retaining wall as per detail 1.
• Our estimate includes the installation of Miradrain 6000 drainage membranes behind the new wall terminating into a new 12” x 12” sub-drainage rock pocket along the bottom of the wall. Outlet via buried 4” diameter SDR-35 tite line at the turn-around corner of the new wall. Final outlet by others.
• Backfill all stockpiled and generated spoils behind the new retaining wall in compacted lifts.
• Clean-up site and construction debris from site.

Qualifications and Clarifications
• Includes one mobilization only.
• Proposal is based on working std 40 hours per week, 5 work days and mutually agreeable schedules.
• Full payment upon job completion.
Unit Prices/Alternates
• Additional footage for drilled and installed pier depths

• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, testing and inspections.
• Increased costs of excavation or drilling due to hard rock, tree roots, caving conditions, underground water. (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that requires the use of pneumatically, hydraulically or 35 pound and over electrically operated hammers or rams to excavate.) (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1 ft. in 5 minutes.)
• Demolition (hard or soft) except for the removal of the existing wooden wall.
• Excavation of haunches for foundations buried over 12” deep from existing grades.
• House re-leveling or lifting.
• Any work on utilities including buried pipes.
• Structural/earth shoring.
• Repair to landscaping or irrigation.
• Excavation of hazardous materials, underground tanks, or materials unacceptable at dumps.