Need underpinning to permanently stabilize home or level floors? Call 415-457-5658 for a prompt, reliable estimate from our experienced estimator. RWR has been installing underpinning in San Francisco for over 24 years. You will see our trucks and equipment working in San Francisco neighborhoods like the Marina, Pacific Heights, Nob Hill, Western Addition, Haight, Castro, Noe Valley, Twin Peaks and so on.
Here’s the kind of detailed estimate you can rely on, to correct foundation problems and perform structural work, including even zero lot line jobs that require our expertise:
This estimate is based on drawings. The proposal consists of performing structural underpinning/replacement repairs to the existing deck and house foundation as per plans as well as the replacement of the existing wooden deck replacement as separately proposed below.
Scope of Work
I. – Foundation Underpinning A-S2 BASE BID
• Mobilize to jobsite. Demobilize.
• Supervision.
• Remove existing wooden deck and off-haul debris from site (see notes below).
• Install combination of post, driven pipe pile and crib towers with temporary beams to support main floor of house @ the dining area. Remove shoring system after house is re-supported on new perimeter and interior foundations. (Re-leveling not included in this base bid, see additional cost provided below).
• Drill and install a total of: (1) 24” diameter x 14 ft deep, (1) 24” diameter x 22 ft deep, (1) 18” diameter x 14 ft deep, (1) 18” diameter x 16 ft deep and (1) 18” diameter x 17 ft deep reinforced concrete piers as per sheet S2 layout and structural details on sheets S2, S3 & S4. Remove drilling spoils from site.
• Excavate for and install new reinforced concrete grade beams, tie beams and pier caps as per plans. Includes drilling and installing epoxy dowels to tie new to existing foundations.
• Off-haul related spoils from site.
• Re-install underpinning area 6×6 posts and 1212HT straps below the dining area as per plans as well as (2) deck supports and all other embedments related to the future re-construction of the new wooden deck (see additional price provided below).
• Install drainage system as shown on drawings.
• Clean up site and remove RWR construction debris from site.
Alternate Bid Work Scope I
Wooden Deck Replacement
• This alternate must be performed at the same mobilization as “main bid scope”.
• Replace existing wooden deck (to same shape/form) per structural details provided using pressure treated lumber for the framing structure, Simpson brackets CC66 and attachments as per plans, 2×10 joist for framing and Con hart B (higher grade) redwood lumber for finish product on decking materials, railing, wooden landing and stairs.
Alternate Bid Work Scope II
Entry Replacement S5
• This alternate must be performed at the same mobilization as “main bid scope”.
• Replace entry side deck per instructions on sheet S5.
Construction Notes:
• Existing wooden deck is assumed to be completely demolished to avoid performing additional structural shoring operations. If needed, sections of the wooden deck can be removed for the installation of the new concrete foundations while the deck replacement permits are in process. Shoring scheme outlined above (base bid) is included for dining area of the existing living space area of the house structure only.
• Due to temporary shoring installation under the existing house (living space/dining area/ceramic floor) structure, installation/removal of shoring may result in cracked walls, cracked floors, uneven floors finishes as well as other cosmetic damages. RWR is not including repair of same in this estimate and will not be responsible for such items.
Qualifications and Clarifications
• Job is bid as package unless agreement to otherwise.
• Itemized prices are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not self supporting.
• Includes one mobilization only.
• Prices are subject to adequate supply of rock, concrete, asphalt, PVC resins, PVC pipe, fittings at prices quoted at bid time and are good for 30 days.
• Proposal is based on working std 40 hours per week, 5 work days and mutually agreeable schedules.
• Progress payments every two weeks.
• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, testing and inspections.
• Increased costs of excavation or drilling due to hard rock, underground water or caving. (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1ft. in 5 minutes). (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that requires the use of a pneumatic or hydraulic breaker to excavate).
• Hardscaping or landscaping work.
• Any work on existing utilities including buried pipes.
• Waterproofing.
• Erosion control.
• Drainage work.
• Winterization.
• Excavation of hazardous materials, underground tanks, or materials unacceptable at dumps.
• Architectural concrete or type of special concrete finish product.