Call 415-457-5658 for a prompt, reliable estimate from our experienced estimator. RWR has been doing foundation, excavation, and drilling work in Tiburon and Belvedere in Marin County. You may see our trucks and equipment politely serving neighbors near Trestle Glen, Lyford Drive, and Tiburon Blvd. We’ve been helping repair foundations, slides, and retaining walls in Marin County for over 24 years.
Here’s the kind of detailed estimate you can rely on, to correct foundation problems and perform structural work, land stabilization, retaining walls, and garage additions.
This estimate is based on plans by structural engineer. The bid consists of installing a new reinforced concrete section of house foundation on piers plus installing isolated pier/caps with tiebacks as shown on drawings.
Our price includes all labor and material to complete the job as per the itemized “Scope of Work” below.
Scope of Work
Wall Foundation Reinforcement
• Mobilize to jobsite. Demobilize.
• Supervision. Perform weekly cleanup.
• Temporarily support the existing corner of the building where the existing foundation needs to be replaced on shoring towers for the replacement of the existing foundation, saw-cut and demolish the portion of the existing concrete foundation as shown on drawings. Remove demolished foundation debris from site.
• Drill and install (10) 18” diameter x 18 ft. deep reinforced concrete piers with (4) #7 vertical reinforcement and #3 ties @ 10” on center. Stockpile drilling spoils on site.
Note: Due to soil conditions outlined on the soils report for this project and the unknown pier final depths (to be dictated by the project soils engineer at the time of drilling, we have included a pier drilling allowance for the installation of the new reinforced concrete piers and it consists of (5) 8hr. drilling days and is included in this estimate.
• Core drill (7) 8” diameter holes thru the existing concrete wall for the installation of the tiebacks.
• Drill and install (7) 15 kip capacity (lock-off load) x 30’ deep total depth 1” diameter double corrosion-protected tiebacks in 6” diameter drilled shafts (Includes bonded and un-bonded lengths). Stockpile drilling spoils on site.
Note: Due to the site soil conditions outlined on the soils report for this project, we have included a tieback drilling allowance for the installation of (7) tiebacks and it consists of (3.5) 8hr. drilling days and is included in this estimate.
• Excavate for and install (7) reinforced concrete haunches/pier caps at each of the (7) pier location as shown on drawings. All generated spoils to be stockpiled on site
• Excavate for and install a new reinforced concrete grade beam over (3) new piers as per plans. Includes the installation of (3) new HDG-CBSQ 66’s as per plans.
• Proof test and lock-off tiebacks as shown on drawings (22.5 k).
• Clean-up and remove related construction debris from site.
Alternate #1-Piers Casing Installation Cost
• This additional cost is for installing a maximum of (3) 20” diameter (4 ft. sections) continuous metal casing at each pier location due to unstable native soils outlined on soils report. The additional cost is per pier (if required).
Alternate #2-Piers Casing Removal Cost
• This additional cost is for the removal of the metal casing previously installed (if needed) as concrete is being placed per indications on drawings. The additional cost is per pier (if required).
Alternate #3-Tiebacks Casing Installation and Removal Cost
• This additional cost provided is for the installation and removal of the metal casing at each tieback location for a maximum of 10 ft. (if needed). The additional cost also includes the removal of the 8” diameter metal casing section as grout is being placed per indications on drawings. The additional cost is per tieback at each location (if required).
Qualifications and Clarifications
• Job is bid as package unless agreement to otherwise
• Includes one mobilization only.
• Prices are subject to adequate supply of rock, concrete, asphalt, PVC resins, PVC pipe, fittings at prices quoted at bid time and are good for 30 days.
• Proposal is based on working std 40 hours per week, 5 work days and mutually agreeable schedules.
• Standard drilling conditions.
• Progress payments every two weeks.
• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, testing and inspections.
• Increased costs of excavation or drilling due to hard rock, tree roots, caving conditions, underground water. (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that requires the use of pneumatically or hydraulically operated hammers or rams to excavate.) (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1 ft. in 5 minutes.)
• Tree work, tree service or any additional work generated by existing trees of tree roots.
• Demolition hard or soft other than necessary for temporary structural shoring installation.
• Any work on utilities including buried pipes.
• Soil grouting, soil injection or permeation.
• Framing work or carpentry work or replacement of existing framing not mentioned in our scope of work.
• Structural/earth shoring, house re-leveling (unless mentioned in our scope of work).
• Removal of generated spoils from site.
• Waterproofing and drainage.
• Erosion control.
• Winterization.
• Excavation of hazardous materials, underground tanks, or materials unacceptable at dumps.
• Architectural concrete or type of special concrete finish product.
• Chimney underpinning or work related to it.
This estimate is based on plans by structural engineer. The bid consists of installing a new reinforced concrete section of house foundation on piers plus installing isolated pier/caps with tiebacks as shown on drawings.
Our price includes all labor and material to complete the job as per the itemized “Scope of Work” below.
Scope of Work
Wall Foundation Reinforcement
• Mobilize to jobsite. Demobilize.
• Supervision. Perform weekly cleanup.
• Temporarily support the existing corner of the building where the existing foundation needs to be replaced on shoring towers for the replacement of the existing foundation, saw-cut and demolish the portion of the existing concrete foundation as shown on drawings. Remove demolished foundation debris from site.
• Drill and install (10) 18” diameter x 18 ft. deep reinforced concrete piers with (4) #7 vertical reinforcement and #3 ties @ 10” on center. Stockpile drilling spoils on site.
Note: Due to soil conditions outlined on the soils report for this project and the unknown pier final depths (to be dictated by the project soils engineer at the time of drilling, we have included a pier drilling allowance for the installation of the new reinforced concrete piers and it consists of (5) 8hr. drilling days and is included in this estimate.
• Core drill (7) 8” diameter holes thru the existing concrete wall for the installation of the tiebacks.
• Drill and install (7) 15 kip capacity (lock-off load) x 30’ deep total depth 1” diameter double corrosion-protected tiebacks in 6” diameter drilled shafts (Includes bonded and un-bonded lengths). Stockpile drilling spoils on site.
Note: Due to the site soil conditions outlined on the soils report for this project, we have included a tieback drilling allowance for the installation of (7) tiebacks and it consists of (3.5) 8hr. drilling days and is included in this estimate.
• Excavate for and install (7) reinforced concrete haunches/pier caps at each of the (7) pier location as shown on drawings. All generated spoils to be stockpiled on site
• Excavate for and install a new reinforced concrete grade beam over (3) new piers as per plans. Includes the installation of (3) new HDG-CBSQ 66’s as per plans.
• Proof test and lock-off tiebacks as shown on drawings (22.5 k).
• Clean-up and remove related construction debris from site.
Alternate #1-Piers Casing Installation Cost
• This additional cost is for installing a maximum of (3) 20” diameter (4 ft. sections) continuous metal casing at each pier location due to unstable native soils outlined on soils report. The additional cost is per pier (if required).
Alternate #2-Piers Casing Removal Cost
• This additional cost is for the removal of the metal casing previously installed (if needed) as concrete is being placed per indications on drawings. The additional cost is per pier (if required).
Alternate #3-Tiebacks Casing Installation and Removal Cost
• This additional cost provided is for the installation and removal of the metal casing at each tieback location for a maximum of 10 ft. (if needed). The additional cost also includes the removal of the 8” diameter metal casing section as grout is being placed per indications on drawings. The additional cost is per tieback at each location (if required).
Qualifications and Clarifications
• Job is bid as package unless agreement to otherwise
• Includes one mobilization only.
• Prices are subject to adequate supply of rock, concrete, asphalt, PVC resins, PVC pipe, fittings at prices quoted at bid time and are good for 30 days.
• Proposal is based on working std 40 hours per week, 5 work days and mutually agreeable schedules.
• Standard drilling conditions.
• Progress payments every two weeks.
• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, testing and inspections.
• Increased costs of excavation or drilling due to hard rock, tree roots, caving conditions, underground water. (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that requires the use of pneumatically or hydraulically operated hammers or rams to excavate.) (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1 ft. in 5 minutes.)
• Tree work, tree service or any additional work generated by existing trees of tree roots.
• Demolition hard or soft other than necessary for temporary structural shoring installation.
• Any work on utilities including buried pipes.
• Soil grouting, soil injection or permeation.
• Framing work or carpentry work or replacement of existing framing not mentioned in our scope of work.
• Structural/earth shoring, house re-leveling (unless mentioned in our scope of work).
• Removal of generated spoils from site.
• Waterproofing and drainage.
• Erosion control.
• Winterization.
• Excavation of hazardous materials, underground tanks, or materials unacceptable at dumps.
• Architectural concrete or type of special concrete finish product.
• Chimney underpinning or work related to it.