Call 415-457-5658 for a prompt, reliable estimate from our experienced estimator. RWR has been doing foundation, excavation, and drilling work in Tiburon and Belvedere in Marin County. You may see our trucks and equipment politely serving neighbors near Trestle Glen, Lyford Drive, and Tiburon Blvd. We’ve been helping repair foundations, slides, and retaining walls in Marin County for over 24 years.
Here’s the kind of detailed estimate you can rely on, to correct foundation problems and perform structural work, land stabilization, retaining walls, and garage additions.
This estimate is based on structural drawings and architectural plans. The bid is for the installation of a new reinforced concrete house foundation and retaining walls as per plans.
Scope of Work
• Mobilize to jobsite. Demobilize.
• Supervision.
• Install safety barricades as needed.
• Perform weekly cleanup.
Grubbing and Clearing + Excavation
• Grub and clear the lot of brush as necessary for the installation of the new house foundation. Off haul debris from site.
• Mass house excavation to slab sub-grade levels as per architectural plans elevations and structural plans information. Off-haul all excavation spoils from site.
• Excavate for new perimeter footings, grade beams and concrete walls as per plans. Off-haul excavation spoils from site. (Wall excavation will be cut 1” behind back of wall.)
Drill and Install Piers
• Drill and install (57) 18” diameter x 15’ deep reinforced concrete piers as per plans. Off-haul all drilling spoils from site.
Waterproofing + Drainage
• Install Miradrain 6000 drainage panels against outboard cuts at perimeter foundations as per architectural plans and terminate into a 4” diameter SDR 35 perforated pipe at perimeter base in a 1ft. tall x 1ft. thick gravel pocket. (Rock pocket consists of a 4” SDR 35 perforated drain line wrapped in filter fabric surrounded by ¾-crushed gravel).
• Terminate drainage lines at two specific points, one at the corner of A & 5 grid lines and the other one at the front stairs. (Outlet to street location by others).
• Excavate and install all other perimeter perforated foundation drainage lines (Other than mentioned above) as per the drainage site plan page WA1.2.
• Excavate and install approx. (9) new 4” diameter downspouts as per layout on page WA1.2.
• Install approx. 387 linear ft of SDR35 tite line to collect all of the perimeter downspouts at the perimeter of the new house foundation and terminate at two specific points, one at the corner of A & 5 grid lines and the other one at the front stairs. (Outlet to street location by others).
Install Foundation and slabs
• Install all perimeter and interior reinforced concrete grade beams, tie beams, retaining walls for the house structure as per sheets S-2, S-3 from structural plans
• Install the exterior retaining walls as per sheet WA3.2 layout and elevations and structural details on page S-3.
• At new interior garage, laundry room and work shop install a new 5” thick reinforced concrete slab approx. 1180 square ft. with # 5 rebar @ 16” on center each way over 2” of fill sand, 6 mil moisture barrier and 4”of ¾ crushed gravel. Slab to have a smooth troweled finish.
• At new upper exterior terraces, install a new 5” thick reinforced concrete slab approx. 652 square ft. with # 5 rebar @ 16” on center each way over 2” of fill sand, 6 mil moisture barrier and 4”of ¾ crushed gravel. Slab to have a light-broomed finish.
• Clean up RWR related debris from site.
• Layout and elevations must be provided by general contractor performing the remainder of the project.
• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, testing and inspections.
• Increased costs of excavation or drilling due to hard rock, caving or underground water. (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that requires the use of pneumatically or hydraulically operated hammers or rams to excavate.) (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1 ft. in 5 minutes).
• Sump pump box or any work related to it.
• Any work on utilities including buried pipes.
• Earth shoring.
• Exterior main entrance concrete stairs.
• Driveway, driveway retaining walls and all related to driveway work.
• Supply of embedments other than foundation bolts.
• Any concrete work not mentioned above.
• Masonry/Block walls (Only Concrete Footings for masonry walls are included).
This estimate is based on structural drawings and architectural plans. The bid is for the installation of a new reinforced concrete house foundation and retaining walls as per plans.
Scope of Work
• Mobilize to jobsite. Demobilize.
• Supervision.
• Install safety barricades as needed.
• Perform weekly cleanup.
Grubbing and Clearing + Excavation
• Grub and clear the lot of brush as necessary for the installation of the new house foundation. Off haul debris from site.
• Mass house excavation to slab sub-grade levels as per architectural plans elevations and structural plans information. Off-haul all excavation spoils from site.
• Excavate for new perimeter footings, grade beams and concrete walls as per plans. Off-haul excavation spoils from site. (Wall excavation will be cut 1” behind back of wall.)
Drill and Install Piers
• Drill and install (57) 18” diameter x 15’ deep reinforced concrete piers as per plans. Off-haul all drilling spoils from site.
Waterproofing + Drainage
• Install Miradrain 6000 drainage panels against outboard cuts at perimeter foundations as per architectural plans and terminate into a 4” diameter SDR 35 perforated pipe at perimeter base in a 1ft. tall x 1ft. thick gravel pocket. (Rock pocket consists of a 4” SDR 35 perforated drain line wrapped in filter fabric surrounded by ¾-crushed gravel).
• Terminate drainage lines at two specific points, one at the corner of A & 5 grid lines and the other one at the front stairs. (Outlet to street location by others).
• Excavate and install all other perimeter perforated foundation drainage lines (Other than mentioned above) as per the drainage site plan page WA1.2.
• Excavate and install approx. (9) new 4” diameter downspouts as per layout on page WA1.2.
• Install approx. 387 linear ft of SDR35 tite line to collect all of the perimeter downspouts at the perimeter of the new house foundation and terminate at two specific points, one at the corner of A & 5 grid lines and the other one at the front stairs. (Outlet to street location by others).
Install Foundation and slabs
• Install all perimeter and interior reinforced concrete grade beams, tie beams, retaining walls for the house structure as per sheets S-2, S-3 from structural plans
• Install the exterior retaining walls as per sheet WA3.2 layout and elevations and structural details on page S-3.
• At new interior garage, laundry room and work shop install a new 5” thick reinforced concrete slab approx. 1180 square ft. with # 5 rebar @ 16” on center each way over 2” of fill sand, 6 mil moisture barrier and 4”of ¾ crushed gravel. Slab to have a smooth troweled finish.
• At new upper exterior terraces, install a new 5” thick reinforced concrete slab approx. 652 square ft. with # 5 rebar @ 16” on center each way over 2” of fill sand, 6 mil moisture barrier and 4”of ¾ crushed gravel. Slab to have a light-broomed finish.
• Clean up RWR related debris from site.
• Layout and elevations must be provided by general contractor performing the remainder of the project.
• Cost of plans, permits, bonds, testing and inspections.
• Increased costs of excavation or drilling due to hard rock, caving or underground water. (Hard rock excavation is defined as material that requires the use of pneumatically or hydraulically operated hammers or rams to excavate.) (Hard rock drilling is defined as a penetration rate slower than 1 ft. in 5 minutes).
• Sump pump box or any work related to it.
• Any work on utilities including buried pipes.
• Earth shoring.
• Exterior main entrance concrete stairs.
• Driveway, driveway retaining walls and all related to driveway work.
• Supply of embedments other than foundation bolts.
• Any concrete work not mentioned above.
• Masonry/Block walls (Only Concrete Footings for masonry walls are included).