• Foundations
    • Pier & Grade Beam Foundations
    • Spread Footing Foundations
  • Underground Structures, Garages
  • Shotcrete
  • Structural Concrete
  • Excavating
  • Demolition

RWR specializes and is an expert in the construction of concrete building foundations. In particular, RWR has developed a unique capability for hillside construction of concrete foundations. RWR’s expertise includes foundation repair, new foundations and underpinning of existing foundations, along with upgrading existing foundations.


Drilling piers for retaining wall

Installing pressure-treated wood lagging

Drilling and installing tie-backs

Formed free standing concrete walls

Installing pressure-treated wood lagging

Fully formed wall, ready to pour

The foundation is the most essential part of any building or structure; the foundation is the base structure that transmits loads from a building to the ground. Suffice to say the foundation is the most important part of a building’s structure, particularly in seismically active California.

Drilling piers for retaining wall

Reinforcing, waterproofing, and drainage for hillside foundation

Drilling and installing tie-backs

Cast in place concrete walls

Installing pressure-treated wood lagging

Excavating for new foundation


Drilling piers for retaining wall

Finished concrete foundation retaining wall

Drilling and installing tie-backs

Pool house foundation with waterproofing showing, and ready to shotcrete

Installing pressure-treated wood lagging

Deep and tight underpinning, shoring, and foundation installation in San Francisco


New Foundation Installation In Zero Lot Line Conditions

Installation of new foundation on zero clearance lot in San Francisco, where excavation undermined neighbor’s foundation.

It was necessary to underpin neighbor’s foundation with hand dug piers, before excavation commenced. Then a new foundation with retaining walls was installed using shotcrete.

New foundation was ready for home construction, free of earth settlement issues with neighboring properties.

Excavation complete with hand-dug underpinning piers under neighbor’s foundation exposed

Excavation complete with hand-dug underpinning piers under neighbor’s foundation exposed

Foundation reinforcement and waterproofing installed, and ready for shotcrete

Foundation reinforcement and waterproofing installed, and ready for shotcrete

Shotcrete being installed

Shotcrete being installed