Rancho Palos Verdes homeowners impacted by landslides in Southern California. Homeowners in the San Francisco Bay Area be aware! RWR Construction has done many landslide repairs and built retaining walls in the Bay Area, where unstable soils can cause disasters. Key Points for Bay Area Homeowners **Accelerating Landslide Risk:** The Greater Portuguese Bend Landslide Complex
Case Study San Francisco Home Foundation The Challenge The Client had purchased a lot in San Francisco for a new home. As is typical of many City lots, there was a zero lot line condition: on one side there was an existing home right at the property line and at 2 others, the edge of
Case Study San Francisco General Hospital The Challenge A structural analysis of one of the hospital’s buildings indicated that it was vulnerable to severe damage during a significant seismic event. The retrofit design called for installation of new footings and large diameter piers around the perimeter of the foundation. The new footings as well as
Case Study Fair-Anselm Plaza The Challenge Creek bank erosion underneath a retail commercial center was starting to expose foundations and risked destabilizing the entire structure. A retaining wall adjacent to a parking lot area had also been severely affected. Action was needed to prevent serious damage or the entire loss of a high value complex.
The Challenge The Brighton Gardens Retirement Complex was experiencing severe earth movement at several locations on the Campus, threatening the infrastructure. The front of the the property sloping down to the boulevard below was a mix of weak soils and clay permeated with underground water. Several scarps had opened up and further slope failure was
Case Study Santa Clara Semiconductor Manufacturer Seismic Strengthening Of Semiconductor Test Facility The Challenge Marvel Corp., a major manufacturer of semiconductors, needed to build test facilities at their North American Headquarters in Santa Clara. A large existing structure was being gutted and turned into a test laboratory. In order to bring the building up to
Case Study: Mill Valley Slide Repair Soldier Pile Walls with Tiebacks Save Property The Challenge During the winter of 2017, a large section of this hillside property in Mill Valley started to slide downhill. RWR was called in on an emergency basis to stabilize the property before further catastrophic failure occurred. An existing soldier beam
Case Study Case Study: Tiburon Slide Repair – Failing Retaining Wall Endangered Residence The Challenge A sloping property in Tiburon was experiencing deep-seated movement that threatened the house. This landslide needed to be stopped before significant structural damage occurred along with loss of property value. Action: The repair consisted of installing a soldier beam wall
Case Study: Deep Micropile Installation Under Existing Multistory Building The Challenge The Owners of a former warehouse located in the vibrant tech start-up area south of Market St. in San Francisco made the decision to bring the building up to current earthquake standards and to have the option to add on another 3 stories. The
The Challenge A large exterior retaining wall was starting to fail and endanger a Presidio Heights home. Because the house was built above and close to the retaining wall, a failure would have meant severe settlement and structural damage or partial collapse of the house. Action: Since the wall could not be removed without first